
We encourage you to read everything you can find in the library, on the Internet and in books and magazines regarding your health concern because informed patients make better health decisions.

Below is a list of website links to various sources that can expand your knowledge.


Healthy Cells Magazine
The Pine Belt's source for information on all things healthy.

Pellet Insertion procedure YouTube video

Health Partners:

Forward Health Solutions
Dr. Rebecca Boyd and her staff are specialists in men and women's integrative health. She is the only physician of her kind in the Pine Belt, offering individualized treatment for hormone related issues, thyroid and nutritional health, detoxification and adrenal fatigue to name a few.

Enhanced Wellness of Oak Grove (Laurie Ryba, MSN, CFNP)
Enhanced Wellness of Oak Grove's primary focus is to enhance contemporary medicine through natural healing.

Professional Affiliations:

PCCA (Professional Compounding Centers of America)
Find out how compounding can make a difference for you and your loved ones.

IACP (International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists)
IACP is an association representing pharmacists, technicians, students, and members of the compounding community who focus upon the specialty practice of pharmacy compounding. IACP's mission of protecting, promoting and advancing personalized medication solutions is critical for patient healthcare.